Purchasing a new home is an incredibly exciting event, but it can also be a bit stressful. Finding a home that fits your needs is not always easy, and it takes a lot to finally decide to put an offer in. Once you submit your offer, you have to just wait for the seller to respond. Time does not move slower than when you are waiting.
But how long do you need to wait?
While there is a general timeframe and some state rules, there is no set period. In this blog, we will dive into the details of how long a home seller has to respond to an offer from a buyer.
How Long After Making an Offer on a House Do You Hear Back?
Making an offer on a house is only the first step. As a buyer, you may have several prospective homes and be eager to move forward with one. Often times, you will make your offer on your top prospect, but another home will not be far behind. Of course, you want to give your top option a chance before moving on to the next in line. But how long will it take to hear back from a seller?
The time frame greatly depends, but generally, sellers respond within 48 hours. 24 to 48 hours is the typical timeframe you can expect to hear back about your offer. However, there are cases where a seller may take longer than that.
Waiting for The Seller to Respond to An Offer
While waiting, it’s essential to exercise patience. Sellers are also making significant decisions, so giving them adequate time to review and consider your offer is crucial. Use this waiting period to review your offer and consider any potential adjustments.
How Long Does a Seller Have to Respond to or Accept An Offer?
The duration of a seller’s response can depend on various factors, including local regulations and the specifics of your offer. While some states may have set deadlines for responses, others do not. To provide clarity and expedite the process, buyers can include an offer expiration clause in their proposal.
Real Estate Offer Expiration Clause: How Long is an Offer Valid on a House?
As a buyer, you can determine how long the offer will be valid. Setting a timeframe will help ensure you receive a response in a reasonable amount of time, but ensure the time limit is fair and does not rush the seller. Keep in mind that the timeframe will likely be longer if a bank is selling the property. If you add a time limit to your offer, the offer is only valid until that date and time. Should the seller miss the deadline, the offer will expire.
The Minimum Amount of Time You Must Give a Seller to Respond to Your Offer is:
If you do choose to add an offer expiration clause, you may wonder what is the minimum amount of time. While you can decide how much time you would like to give, it is important to be reasonable. Rushing the seller will not make them more likely to accept or respond to your offer. It is recommended that you offer at least 48 to 72 hours for the seller to respond.
How Long Do Buyers Have to Respond to a Counteroffer?
Counteroffers are a common part of the home-buying process. Once a seller submits a counteroffer, the ball is in your court. Some counteroffers will include a time constraint. If it does not, the best practice is to respond within 24 to 48 hours (72 at the latest), just as you want the seller to.
What if The Seller Doesn’t Respond to My Offer?
One important thing to remember is that a seller does not have to respond to an offer. Sometimes, sellers will not respond to an offer they find too low or unreasonable. The seller is not required to send an official rejection letter. If you are interested in the home and the seller has yet to respond, it is best to resubmit a better offer with new terms.
Ultimately, there is no standard timeline for when sellers must respond to your offer. Typically, most sellers respond within 72 hours. You can include a time limit in your offer, but you should be reasonable as well. Check with your state to see if it has any such rules.
We hope our tips helped you find the answers. Good luck with finding a home. If you need a mortgage broker to pre-qualify for a mortgage, please contact us at Lightpoint Mortgage.